Help page

Thank you for using the Eiffage App!

To help you get the most from the App, here we explain how it works and what it is designed to do.
The Eiffage App is intended for use by all Group employees.
It is mainly designed to provide information about Eiffage: new contracts, project news, events, organisation, etc. and all in real time.
You can also share information, a photo or an experience at Eiffage via the App.

Available on every screen

You can access the Eiffage App from any type or brand of smartphone, tablet or desktop computer whether professional or private. On computers and tablets, you simply need an Internet connection, then enter the address:
You can also download the application for your smartphone:


The application has been designed for smartphones and adapts to all devices.

By downloading the app to your smartphone, you will particularly be able to receive notifications.
The page layout and browsing functions adapt to the device you use to consult the application (particularly to the screen width).
However, you can consult all the content available, whatever means of access you use.

Compatibility with PC web browsers

The Eiffage App is compatible with all recent Internet browsers:
Internet Explorer version 9 or higher, latest versions of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
For Eiffage employees using Internet Explorer 8 or below, we recommend using Mozilla Firefox installed on your computer.

Registration & authentication

By default, the application can be accessed by anyone and provides public information.
To access internal information and services, Eiffage employees need to create a user account.
Click here to create an account.
When you register, simply use your Eiffage email address (ending with,,,
If you do not have this kind of address, you may use any other email address. If you are asked to enter a personnel number when registering and you work for a subsidiary based outside France, enter the code "APP1M027" so that your registration can be examined manually.
At the end of the registration procedure, you will have chosen an email address and a password, which you will then use to log in to the Eiffage App.

Profile & personalisation

Once you have logged in to the Eiffage App, you can personalise your data on the "My Account" page.
We particularly recommend entering your contact details so that other registered employees can contact you. You may also choose to add a photo for your profile.
From your profile, you can choose the content you wish to display on "My Page". By default, this page will display information about your division but you can choose other content topics.

Confidentiality and use

The professional information displayed on employee profile pages (first name, last name, professional contact details, photo, etc.) can only be accessed by duly authenticated Eiffage employees.
This is also the case for posts and comments published by employees via the Eiffage App: only internal users can consult them.
Texts and photos of posts, comments, and the name/profile photo of the people posting them may occasionally be published in the Eiffage Group magazine "Synergie". 
This app is nonetheless a work tool for Eiffage employees. Although it is easy to access, it should be used reasonably, with respect for employee time off, holidays and generally all private time that is vital to work-life balance.
Also note that no consultation data will be used individually. Only collective and anonymous statistics will be processed in order to constantly enhance the content and services proposed.


By downloading the Eiffage App to your smartphone you can receive notifications.
A notification is a message informing you that new content has been published on the Eiffage App even when the application is not open.
When you use the app for the first time, you will be asked whether you wish to receive these notifications. You can also activate or block notifications at any time via the "Settings" menu on your smartphone.
In the application, you can choose the type of content you wish to be notified of. Simply go to the "My Account" page and select the personalised content that is of interest to you. Note that the content you select will also be displayed on "My Page"
You can also receive notifications about other Eiffage employee posts. To activate these notifications, simply tick the "Follow" box on the profile page of the employees you choose.
For information, you may search for and access the profile page of registered employees using the application's search engine (accessible via the icon in the top right of the header).

Posts and posting rules

All Eiffage users can publish posts on the application (posts are short text messages which may include an image).
To publish a post, simply click the corresponding icon in the top right of the header.
By posting these messages, each Eiffage employee, whatever their job or responsibilities, can share with the community any information they consider important:
- an event on a work site or project
- a team moment
- an idea or a best practice
- etc.
Like any open space for expression, it is important to respect rules of etiquette and professional conduct:
- Use professional and polite language
- Avoid irrelevant or private discussions
- Respect everyone's privacy (no information, contact details or photos that concern employees' private or family life)
- Respect the Group's rules of conduct (business confidentiality, ethics and exemplary behaviour, respect for safety and prevention rules, etc.)
- Comply with the law (unlawful remarks or content and particularly the dissemination of unauthorised images, harassment, fraud, defamation, racial discrimination, incitement to violence or hatred, and political, sexual, racist or xenophobic comments are prohibited)
Eiffage reserves the right to withdraw any post that breaches these posting rules.


The Eiffage App largely revolves around employee activity and the content you publish.
In the "Community" space, you will therefore find:
- News feed: recent employee actions on the Eiffage App (registration, change of photo, posts, participation in a quiz)
- Posts: the most recent employee posts
- Most read: the most read articles
- Members directory: a search engine providing access to the profile of all employees registered in the Eiffage App

Your suggestions

The Eiffage App is your application. Feel free to send us your opinions and suggestions by email to: [email protected]
If you encounter any technical hitches, you can also report them by email to [email protected]. To help us solve your problem, please indicate in your message:
- your device type: computer, tablet, smartphone
- your operating system (Windows, OSX, Android) and the version
- your consultation method: web browser or smartphone application
- your browser (if you use a browser): Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and the version.